Helene Nymann aka IMA

Helene Nymann (b. 1982, Denmark) is a Danish visual artist and artistic researcher. She works with embodied knowledge, memory-systems and future ancestry. By applying mnemonic devices for image-making, Nymann constructs performative environments in which the moving image, sound and sculpture make way for transformative arrays of consciousness, deepening the understanding of the fundamental aspects, by which we process information, store knowledge and create memories for more sustainable futures.

Nymann is currently an artistic research fellow at the Interacting Minds Centre, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Nymann's works have been presented at museums and art internationally and nationally; the New Museum, Pioneer Works and the Fridman Gallery in New York, USA; Copenhagen Contemporary, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, ARoS, Kunsthal Aarhus in Denmark; MACRO, Museo D’arte Contemporanea in Rome, Italy: and Tate Modern in London, England.

Helene Nymann is a core contributor to the art science project "Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting" (EER) founded by artist Olafur Eliasson and scientist Andreas Roepstorff (Aarhus University). More information on Helene Nymann's work with EER can be found here.


2018– PhD research Fellow, Interacting Minds Centre, Department of Anthropology University of Aarhus, Denmark. Supported by Novo Nordisk, Awarded Mads Øvlisen grant for Artistic Research with Extraordinary Potential. In collaboration with Kunsthal Aarhus, Denmark

2012-2014 Malmø Art Academy, Postgraduate Diploma MFA Fine Art, Sweden

2007-2010 Goldsmiths, University of London, Honours BA Fine Art Practice, England

2006-2007 Central Saint Martins, University of London, Performance design, England

Solo Exhibitions

2022 Knots of Ecphore, Overgaden, Copenhagen, Denmark

2019 Ars Memoria – Memes for Imagination, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark

2019 Helene Nymann: Screen-Series, lower floor, New Museum, New York, USA

2017 ARS MEMORIA – Memes for Imagination, The Round Tower, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017 INSCRIBED Oh Locus Locus, Fridman Gallery NYC, USA

2016 INSCRIBED Oh Locus Locus, Le-sous-commun, Berlin, Germany

2015 Behind the picture, it was, Galleri H.C Ørstedsvej 69. Copenhagen, Denmark

2014 Balcony, Lund’s Konsthall in collaboration with Gallery Pictura, Sweden

2013 Mother Mind, Skissarnas Museum in collaboration with Gallery Pictura, Lund, Sweden

Permanent Works

AabenraaOrgan, Jomfru Fannys Gang, Aabenraa Kommune, curated by Creator Projects, 2022

Selected Exhibitions

2023 Yet it Moves, Bikubens Vision Price, Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark

2023 Yet it Moves, residency between Interacting Minds Centre (DK) & ModLab U.C Davis (US)

2023 A Body of Memory (from neurons to the sea) Kunsthall Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway

2022 Metamorfoser, Sophienholm, Denmark

2022 Museum of the Future, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark

2022 Pieces of Copenhagen, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark

2022 FORTHCOMING III, SPACE52, Athens, Greece

2022 Museum of the Future, Teatre Sort/Hvid, Copenhagen, Denmark

2022 Islands of Predictability, Museum of Modern Shopping, Romford Shopping Hall, London, England

2020 Extensions Vol.II, Radar Contemporary, Kunsthal Charlottenborg Cinema, group-show, Copenhagen, Denmark

2020 Mythologies – the Beginning and End of Civilizations, ARoS, Aarhus, Denmark

2020 Extensions Vol.I, Radar Contemporary, Classensgade 7D, Copenhagen, Denmark

2020 Astrid Holm & Co, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved, Denmark

2019 ISCP, group-show at open-studios, New York, USA

2019 Endless Present, curated by Irene Campolini, ENTER Art Fair, CPH, DK

2019 SELVA OF SELVES (S.O.S) Performance with professor Andreas Roepstorff (DK) & professor Joe Dumit (US), COPENHAGEN CONTEMPORAY, CPH, DK

2019 Seoul International New Media Festival, Seoul, South Korea

2019 TATE EXCHANGE, Moving Humans, screening, Tate Modern, London, England

2018 TALE OF AN OCEAN, La Mar de Músicas, Cartagena, Spain

2018 Experimental Anthropology, screening, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

2018 Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2018 CPH:DOX, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

2018 FOKUS Video-Art-Festival, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017 I AM OUR COMMON PRONOUN, curated by Helga Christoffersen, SALTS, Group-show, Basel, Switzerland

2017 Erratic Transitions, Molekyl Gallery, curated by Maria Norrman, Malmø, Sweden

2017 She’s a Show, Den Sorte Hest, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017 CHART EMERGING; I AM OUR COMMON PRONOUN, curated by Helga Christoffersen, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017 The Map is not the Territory, Pfizer Building, New York, USA

2017 Pioneer Works, Village Fête, New York, USA

2017 Stamp, project by David Horvitz (US) at Printed Matter, New York, USA

2017 Pioneer Works, Second Sunday, NYC, USA

2017 Cinema COBRA at Honey’s in collaboration with Lily Benson, New York, USA

2016 ABOUT:BLANK, MACRO, Museo D´arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy

2016 Pioneer Works, Second Sunday, NYC, USA

2016 Save Malmø Art Academy, screening, Malmø Art Academy, Malmø, Sweden

2016 Mørke Dage Post-Event, screening of Whether We Are, Slagtehal 3, Aarhus, Denmark

2016 INSCRIBED, Oh Locus, Locus, Solo-show, Le-sous-common, Berlin, Germany

2016 Seven Deadly Sins, Vol 3, Envy, with Japanese pianist Eriko Makimura, Uhara hall, Kobe, Japan

2015 The Hot Show, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark

2015 Video Nicht Klub, International selection of artists by Brussels Arts Department, Bruxelles, Belgium

2015 Spectrum Berlin, The Weird Place Between Life & Death, Screening, Berlin, Germany

2015 Mørke Dage, Under Overfladen, Aalborg, Denmark

2015 Nucleus, Alt_Cph, The Factory of Art & Design, Copenhagen, Denmark

2015 In Utero, Sejrø Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

2015 Les Soirées, MACA – Maison d´art Contemporain Athenes, Athens, Greece

2014 We Take No Responsibility, Udstillingsstedet Q, Copenhagen, Denmark

2014 Balcony, MACA – Maison d´art Contemporain Athenes, Athens, Greece

2014 Balcony, Lund’s Konsthall in collaboration with Gallery Pictura, Malmø, Sweden

2014 Hell Flower, Gallery KHM, MFA Exhibition, Malmø, Sweden

2014 Head On My Dear, Year Exhibition Malmø Art Academy, Malmø, Sweden

2013 Moving Matters, Year Exhibition, Malmø Art Academy Annual Exhibition, Malmø, Sweden

2013 Sound-Scapes, Group show, InKonst, Malmø Sweden

2012 One+One+One+.., Project funded by the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute DEDI. A collaboration with Ahmed Nagy (EG), Andreas Fuhrer (DK) and Erin Taylor

2012 Kennedy (US), Huda Lufti (EG), Jacob Kirkegaard (DK/GE), Lillibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (DK), Sara Emilie Anker Møller (DK) Sherif El-Azma (EG).

2012 Some Afternoon Or Among Them, Collaboration with Diana Tørsløv Møller (DK), Marie Fisker (DK), Dorit Chrysler (US). Project funded by the Danish Film Institute DFI, Copenhagen, Denmark

2011 Nomi Song, DNA Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2011 Merging Grounds, Den Fri Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen, Denmark

2011 Total Fucking Death Experience, (TFDE) Theatre Giljotin, collaboration with Palle Lindqvist (SE), Stockholm, Sweden

2011 Mother Mind, KPH Art, Copenhagen, Denmark

2010 Return To Centre, Lincoln Centre – David Rubinstein Atrium, New York, USA

2010 Sweet delights and Endless Nights, Performance Palle Lindqvist, Gallery Great Eastern Street, London, United Kingdom

2010 Dolmen, Screening with Q&A, Husets Theater Biograf, Copenhagen, Denmark

2010 Mother Mind, Bachelor Exhibition, Goldsmiths University, London, England

Selected Collaborative Projects

2010 Some Afternoon Or Among Them, Video / Music video with Diana Tørsløv Møller (DK). Music by Marie Fisker (Dk) and Dorit Chrysler (US). Funded by The Danish Film Institute – DFI, Copenhagen, Denmark

2010 One+One+One+ A collaboration with Ahmed Nagy (EG), Andreas Fuhrer (DK), Erin Taylor Kennedy (US), Huda Lufti (EG), Jacob Kirkegaard (DK/GE), Lillibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (DK), Sara Emilie Anker Møller (DK) and Sherif El-Azma (EG).
Project funded by DEDI – The Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute.

2010 The Total Fucking Death Experience (TFDE), Performance-collaboration with visual artist Palle Lindqvist (SE) between London, Denmark and Sweden.

2008 Traumbank, Artist-run platform organizing talks, screenings and exhibitions. Founded by Line Kallmayer in London, England


Nymann, Helene (2017) (ed. Christoffer Iversen) Techniques Art of Memory; Ars Memoria, Really Simple Syndication Press

Nymann, Helene and Joachim Koester (2017) (ed. Christoffer Iversen) In Conversation, Ars Memoria, Really Simple Syndication Press

Nymann, Helene (2017) 3PICKS – Warburg, Freud and Houghton: Kopenhagen Art Institute

Nymann, Helene (2014) (ed. Lars Rasmussen) Typewriter Scrolls, Annual Publication, The Booktrader. Booktrader Press

Nymann, Helene (2013-2014) (ed. Gertrud Sandqvist) Runaway Girl, Malmø Art Academy Year Book, Lund University

Nymann, Helene (2013) (ed. Lars Rasmussen) Images of Us, Annual Publication, The Booktrader. Booktrader Press

Nymann, Helene (2013) (ed. Angelica Falkeling) Hell-Flower, Att Overleva, Att Segra Publications

Artist & Academic Talks

2020 Artist talk in conversation with Ida Schyum as part of Radar Contemporary Vol II, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark

2020 Artist talk at ArTeC, Ecole Universitaire de Recherche, Paris, France

2020 Artist talk in conversation with Ida Schyum and Kristoffer Ørum, online as part of Radar Contemporary Vol I

2019 ISCP, artist-talk, NYC, USA

2019 Memory in the Anthropocene, Round-Table-discussion, Memory Studies Association (MSA), Madrid, Spain

2019 Memory and Arts, Film-screening-program, Memory Studies Association (MSA), Madrid, Spain

2019 Memories of the Future International Conference, talk, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, England

2019 Without Computer – Anthropocene and Digital Imaginaries, talk, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France

2018 Novo Nordisk – Mads Øvlisen Fond, Denmark

2018 Ecologies of Memory, University of Leuven – Mnemonic Summer School, Brussels, Belgium

2017 Goethe University, Mnemonics – The social life of memory, Germany

2017 Artist talk and publication, Rundetaarn, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017 Artist talk in conversation with curator Helga Christoffersen, Fridman Gallery, NYC, USA

2016 Artist talk, Pioneer Works, NYC, USA

2016 Artist talk, Academia Di Danimarca/Det Danske Institut, Italy

2016 San Cataldo, Italy

2015 Artist talk, Bjørn Ignatius Øckenholts Artschool, Denmark

2015 Artist talk, Malmø Art Academy, Sweden

Teaching & Jury

2020 Teaching, Movement & Memory, ArTeC, Ecole Universitaire de Recherche, Paris, France

2019 Remembering anf Forgetting in the Digital Age, teaching, School of Visual Arts, NYC, USA

2019 Remembering in the Digital Age, teaching, Pioneer Works, NYC, USA

2018 Børnekulturhus Amager, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017 Hirsprungske Collection, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017 Art Of Memory at Pioneer Works, NYC, USA

2016 Museum Of Art In Public Spaces, KØS, Copenhagen, Denmark

2016 Kvarterhuset, Video workshop, Amager, Denmark

2015 Jury 60Seconds ShortFilm Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

Grants, Awards & Artist in Residency

2019 ISCP – International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), funded by the Danish Arts Council, New York, USA

2018 Centro Selva Arte Y Ciencia, Campo Verde, Pucallpa, Peru

2018 NARS Foundation, Residency, New York, USA

2016-2017 Statens Kunstfond, Kund Højgaards Fond

2016-2017 Pioneer Works, Studio Residency Program, New York, USA

2016 Academia Di Danimarca/Det Danske Institut i Rom, Rome, Italy

2016 MACA – Maison d´art Contemporain Athenes, Residency, Greece

2016 Arteles, Silence Awareness Existence Residency Program, Finland

2015 San Cataldo Institute, Residency, Scala, Italy

2014 DIA – Residency, The Danish Institute in Athens, Greece

2013 Lund University residency apartment, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2012 DFI – Grant, The Danish Film Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

2012 DEDI – Grant, Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute, Cairo, Egypt

Videography, Works & Rolling

2020 Ode to Creode

2019 SELVA OF SELVES S.O.S [05:00 min loop with sound]

2017 MOL, 16:9 hd video installation [11:22 min loop with sound]

2017 Whether We Are, 16:9 hd video Installation [10:56 min loop with sound]

2016 Memoria and Other Aftermaths, 16:9 hd video Installation [2:45 min loop]

2015 Metamorphic Rocks, I’m No Longer Afraid, 16:9 hd video Installation [04:16 min loop with sound]

2014 Liberation Of Squares, 16:9 hd video installation, 2 x channel projection [10:39 min loop with sound]

2014 Chair, 16:9 hd video installation [2:07 min loop]

2014 Balcony, 16:9 hd video Installation [1:27 min loop with sound]

2014 Head On My Dear 16:9 hd video installation [2:03 min loop with sound]

2013 Moving Matters 16:9 hd video installation, 3 x video-screen [7:02 min loop with sound]

2011 Return To Centre 16:9 hd video installation [7:11min loop]

2010 Mother Mind 16:9 hd video installation [15:23 min loop]

2010 White in White 16:9 hd video installation [5:11min]

2009 Everyday I got the Blues 16:9 hd video [4:50 min]

2009 So Many Buttons And No One To Touch, 16:9 hd video [5:09 min]

2008 Dolmen 16:9 hd video [12:43 min]


2021 A mother of twins

2019 Part of CPH:LAB at CPH:DOX with the project SELVA OF SELVES (S.O.S)

2016 Co-founder of Cinema C.O.B.R.A – in collaboration with visual artist Lily Benson (US)

2015 Member of UKK, Union for Young Artists, Copenhagen, Denmark

2011-2012 Film Editor at DFI / The Danish Film Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

2010-2011 Assistant to Jesper Just, New York, USA

2009 Member of GODS BATHROOM, poetry-collective founded in London, England

2008 Member of TRAUMBANK, artist-run platform, founded in London, England