Future ContinuOnus
Carte de ContinuOnus (2023). Video clip
The multi-faceted artwork Future ContinuOnus is part interactive website, part public sculpture and part video installation. Forming and framing an ever malleable map of memories for the futures.
The video-installation Future ContinuOnus (2023) is projected onto a semi-transparent scrim suspended from the ceiling. The video work opens with a slow, sweeping scan of the 17th-century Carte de Tendre, a map originally created by French writer Madeleine de Scudéry and her circle of friends, Les Précieuses. A voice-over emerges, recounting the map’s origins before shifting into a call to action:
"Time has come to create another collective map—a map visualizing what we remember that we want the future to remember. An attempt to intentionally leave traces that might move those who come after. As an act of our love."

Future ContinuOnus (2023). Installation view. Copenhagen Contemporary. Photo: David Stjernholm

Future ContinuOnus (2023). Installation view. Copenhagen Contemporary. Photo: David Stjernholm

The voiceover continues, weaving through a series of dreamlike, painterly, and associative images. These include imagery of mnemonic knots, fragments of the artist’s own family footage, and staged scenes set in both rural and urban environments across time. As the video unfolds, central figures appear and disappear, drifting seamlessly in and out of the frame. The voice returns with a reflective question:
"If your memory was found in the future how do you think it would make the future feel?"

Please visit the official ContinuOnus website here and add your memory to the map.
More information on Carte de ContinuOnus can be found here.
More information on Yet, It Moves! where this work was first made, can be found at Copenhagen Contemporary.
Additional research that supports and informs this work
Michael Levin, "Self-Improvising Memory"
Daniel Schacter, "The Cognitive Neuroscience of Constructive Memory"
Interview with Helene Nymann by Stine Lundberg Hansen in Art Matter, Helene Nymann: "Den viden, der kommer ud af kunst, er reel viden"